Cloud Changelog#

Due to their cloud-hosted SaaS nature, Anaconda’s Cloud services, such as Package Security Manager, Notebooks, and Learning, do not have a traditional version history. Instead, we keep this chronological history of the platform and update it when significant changes have been made. The most recent changes are always listed at the top.

Release notes of our versioned products:

April 2024#

A darker shade of productivity#

Navigator joins the ranks of products offering dark mode.

February 2024#

Embrace the Dark Side#

Notebooks and Assistant are now available in dark mode.

January 2024#

Let the conversation flow with Anaconda Assistant#

Pro and Business tier users can enjoy seemingly infinite chats thanks to an increased prompt count.

Look before your leap into a shared notebook#

Share an editable copy and full preview of your notebook with anyone, whether they have an Anaconda Cloud account or not.

November 2023#

Manage disk space in Anaconda Notebooks#

Identify and clear out taxing files bogging down your storage space in the new Disk Manager.

October 2023#

Your data science journey begins in the notebook#

Access key training resources from the Anaconda Learning library, now in Anaconda Notebooks. (Learning in Notebooks blog)

Anaconda’s AI Assistant comes to the desktop#

Take advantage of our AI chat assistant on your local machine, with our new Anaconda Toolbox. (Desktop Assistant blog)

September 2023#

Anaconda Pro & Business#

New feature: Channel change deltas and notification emails - View changes to the contents of your channel due to emerging or updated CVE scores/status. Track your channels to receive emails at configurable intervals and keep up-to-date with the latest changes to your channels’ contents.

May 2023#

Anaconda Pro & Business#

New feature: Installers - Miniconda installers are now available for download!

April 2023#

Anaconda Business#

Feature improvement: Channels - Channel details and channel artifact files now load 30% faster!

March 2023#

Anaconda Pro & Business#

New feature: Public API organization management via Anacondas notebooks service - You can now configure your Anaconda Business organization using the API and Anacondas pre-constructed notebooks!

Anaconda Business#

New feature: Policy report - You can now download a .csv file of the policy report from the channels page! The report contains a list of packages that were removed from the channel, details about the packages, and a reason for why they were removed.

Feature improvements:

  • CVE information - More detailed information about CVEs associated with a package can now be viewed by navigating into the channel, selecting the package, and then clicking on the CVE.

  • Channels - The load time for the channels page has been improved by a drastic 54%!

  • Policy filter - Policy filters can now include a package’s license family, and supports conda spec (use of wildcard characters).

  • Organization management - You can now invite members to your organization and assign/revoke seats to members in bulk! For more information, see organizations.

February 2023#

Anaconda Business#

New feature: Groups - Manage your organizations users and channels by arranging them into groups to connect specific users with specific channels. For more information, see groups.

Feature improvement: Channels - Channels now have a permission level of either internal or private. For more information, see channels.

January 2023#

Anaconda Pro & Business#

Feature improvement: Invitations - Pagination on the invitations page has been improved! The number of entries per page can be adjusted, and you can navigate back and forth between entries.

October 2022#

Anaconda Business#

New feature: External mirror channels - You can now create channels using as a channel mirror source. This effectively allows you to pull your own custom packages into Anaconda Business! Anaconda plans to support any external mirror source URL soon!

September 2022#

Anaconda Pro & Business#

New feature: Anaconda maintained channel - The msys2 channel has been included as a default Anaconda curated channel.

Feature improvements:

  • Channels - Package dependencies and dependents are now listed with the package in the channel.

  • Public API - API documentation has been provided here. API collections are available to download and import into Postman or Insomnia for public use.

Anaconda Business#

New feature: Copy channel button A button has been added to the channels page to automatically copy a channel’s path for you. This is extremely helpful in adding organizations channels to your .condarc file.

August 2022#

Anaconda Business#

Feature improvement: CVEs - Artifacts removed by a policy filter are now marked as such within the channel, and a reason for filtering is provided.

July 2022#

Anaconda Business#

Feature improvement: Subscription - Enabled self service purchasing for small teams who want to use Anaconda Business.

June 2022#

Anaconda Pro & Business#

Feature improvements: Public API

  • Token management for your organization members is now possible via the API!

  • You can now manage assigning your organization’s seats via the API to save you time on importing your users and getting them up and running with Anaconda Business!

May 2022#

Anaconda Business#

Bug fix: Channels - Delete - Fixed a bug that was preventing channels from deleting properly.